2021 Reel
Animation Reel
Having lived in St. Louis all my life, I’ve developed some hometown pride. Not just for our successes, but for our complicated history, and how the people here keep moving, despite the many impediments put in there way. This region is brimming with stories—both ugly and beautiful. So when I get the chance to capture one, I snag it.
Rapport - Promo (Notion)
Ascension - Sponsorship Behaviors (Notion)
Ascension - A Vision of Sponsorship (Notion)
McDonald's - 'BigBag' (Coolfire Studios)
McKendree University - Academic Excellence Celebration
McKendree University - Humans of McKendree
McKendree University - Staff Intro
This video I made
looks best in GIF form. More dancing below.
American Dance Troupe - 2020 Highlight
American Dance Troupe - 2019 Highlight
The Candle Fusion Studio Promo
Special K / Fantabulosity Promo
Tracey Frank: Mom by Day; Fire-Spinner by Night (Riverfront Times)
St. Louis All City Boxing (Riverfront Times)
One Year After Ferguson: What's Changed? (AJ+)
Checkmate: Earning A Living In Competitive Chess (Forbes)
St. Louis: America's Premier Chess Destination (Forbes)
Colief Testimonials (RLA Collective)
Stephanie & Jacob Highlight FIlm
"Misery Mountain" Directed by Benjamin S. Hammond, Director of Photography - Chico D. Mejia
Butt Sniffers Academy (The Watering Bowl)